Peaceful dove looking for food behind my house. They walk most of the time instead of flying. They are pets belonging to one of the house a few doors away. This is a welcomed bird, so tame.
My backlane and my plants. The green door (right) is my humble abode. And this is the unwelcomed no. 1 nuisance at my back door. Scurrying around in drains and my flower pots.
Digging at the earth in my pot, sniffing for food. I bury potato peelings or discarded vegetables here to make the soil more fertile.
Dirty rodent, dirty rat, a sumptious pink feast awaits you and your lot! (Pink feast refers to rat poison which is bright pink in colour. It contains warfarin which when eaten by rats makes them bleed to death!!! So if you see a rat bleeding from the anus, thats the rat which ate the poison. Yucky)