Sunday, October 26, 2008

Moon landing

20 July 1969 : Apollo 11 landed on the moon. The whole world watched in awe at this historic moment. I can still remember, everyone was talking about "Apollo" spaceship. This event diverted away some of the sadness, grief and anger, the demise of my beloved grandma, due to the May 13, 1969 tragedy. The chinese myth also shattered - there is no fairy living on the moon.

The American flag and look at the footprints on the moon dust. Is that lunar wind blowing or is it the lesser gravity effect on the flag?

The commemorative stainless steel plaque (attached to leg of lunar landing vehicle) which they left behind with signatures of President Nixon and the 3 astronauts.

Apollo 11 crew: Neil Armstrong (1st man on moon), Buzz Aldrin (2nd man on moon) and Michael Collins.

Two videos about space science that I found interesting. (Video)
Apollo 11 space mission, first man on moon, July 20, 1969. (Video)
Earth's alien sounds. The sounds are radiowaves (scientifically known as auroral kilometric radiation) created high above earth where solar particles interact with earth's magnetic field.