Friday, January 2, 2009


Marriage of Sue's daughter, Vanessa to Kenji Chan on 29.12.08.

The Program cover featuring the couple by the seaside.

Evangelical Lutheran Church, Brickfields.

The church, built in 1924.

Drinks/cocktails outside Mayang Sari Grand Ballroom before dinner starts.

Inside the ballroom.

Their wedding photo albums were displayed for guests to view and I must say the photos were very artistically photographed outdoors, on a beach in Langkawi Island. By the time I finished looking at the photos, I can feel the essence of love, romance, happiness and joy of holy matrimony; and makes me want to go to the seaside! I love the sun sea and sand. Thats great photography, unlike the usual studio-posed serious type. I now understand why KidChan is known as the Celebrity Photographer. He also happens to be the groom's brother.