Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bubul Bird eggs, hatchlings's photos.

Bubuls photographed by Gloria Joy Victor. (Mar 2007)

One of the parent bubul with food in its mouth waiting for opportunity to feed the baby.

Mother bubul feeding baby bubul.

5-days old bubul now crouching. Whenever I approach the nest the parent bubuls will shriek loudly to warn it of the danger - humans are
their enemies. Baby bird will crouch and remain still in the nest.

5-days old. View of bubul hatchling's back feathers.

4-days old. More wing feathers growing as well as on other parts of the body. However the feathers on the neck is still sparse.

4-days old. Stronger and sitting up waiting to be fed.
Eyes slightly opened.

4-days old. Eyes still closed.

2-days old hatchling. It is sleeping and eating throughout the day.
Eyes remained closed. Both parent bubuls take turns to feed it non-stop.
The first feathers to appear were on the wings. This is the most
important part of a bird and fastest growing - wings for flying.

Voraciously hungry and feeds non-stop. Whenever it sensed movements it will just open its mouth. It cannot differentiate between its own parent birds and predators just yet. I made a noise at it and it immediately opens its mouth. No knowledge as yet.

The first hatchling, really small. The other egg must be a 'bad' egg because it disappeared the next day. Probably didnt hatched and got eaten as food by the mother bubul.

Mother bird incubating the eggs, it will spend the whole night in the nest.

Father bird guarding the nest.

The next morning another red egg laid.

One reddish egg laid in the finished nest.

Unfinished nest, still under construction. Took about a week.

The red-palm tree chosen for nesting.

Bubul bird nest no. 1/Mar 07 - (Pycnonotus goiavier - yellow vented specie).
Birth of a baby bubul birdchick.
In Mar 07 I had the good fortune to witness a bubul building a nest, laid 2 eggs, one chick hatched, the other egg either didnt hatched and got eaten by the mother bird for food. I was suprised to find a bird flying to and fro every day to my red palm tree and upon inspection found an unfinished nest. I was very excited and photographed this process.