Sunday, November 15, 2009

Malaysian child killer back in KL

True Malaysian Sad/Murder story no. 4

Agnes Wong Siew Teng, 29 years old.

Went to work in UK in 2003.  In Jan 2007 while working as a babysitter in Manchester  - killed a 17 months-old chinese baby. She swung the boy by his ankles and smashed his head on the wall with so much force that his brain had shifted position in the skull. Also tortured him with a hairdryer, bite and burn marks, and beaten with a ruler so forceful that the ruler also broke.  Sadistic. Child died of internal brain bleeding.  Jailed 5 years, served 2-1/2 years jail term, now freed.  UK government dont want such criminals to remain there - flew her back to KL on 2 Nov 2009 and paid her some money (4500 pounds) to start over  here.
So Malaysian mothers beware - be careful who you employ as a babysitter for your precious children; or other types of employment. 

O righteous God, who searches minds and hearts, bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure. (Psalm 7:9 NIV)

Read news report here: UK Mail Online