Sunday, June 28, 2009

MJ's death house

MJ died in this rented house in Holmby Hills, Los Angeles, where he was preparing for his "last curtain call" concert (in London on July 13). He was found dead about 2 hours before the rehearsal. Rental US$100,000/- a month.

(The new occupants of this house will have a lot of fun -  especially if it is haunted.  Imagine MJ's ghost and his new ghost friends start dancing "Thriller"  woohoo.... the real Thriller is about to begin in this house..........)


Urban legend:- People believe Christmas decorations should be taken down after the twelfth day of christmas or else bad luck would befall the occupants. Is it true? Michelle's English/Irish dad told me once when I didnt take down the christmas tree and decorations one year. I told him I am not superstitious. Los Angeles neighbours of MJ wanted his gate wreaths down.

New curly hair/look for his upcoming concert, Should make July 13 his funeral.